Residency/Residency takes 2 Designers of any discipline to reside for 3-6 months in the house @ Design Derita. They are provided a private room with shared bath, kitchen and living area. In, the Workshop, they are provided a private 11x12 studio with shelving and 24/7 access to the community space.
The resident is made to feel they have a private gallery in which to not only practice setting up for but to host small shows. The resident is encouraged to have a meet and greet at the beginning of the residency to show off their previous work and put together a closing show/exhibition of the work they created in their 3-6 month time.
Derita is a Design Destination
•For the duration of the residency, Derita Design collaborates with the resident on a community project, be it proposed or actual. Anything ranging from conceptual uniforms to an actual neighborhood sign. Diverse disciplines are encouraged to cohabitate as the duality of 2 skills sets will push the work to a higher level.
•The resident hosts 1 workshop in the space during their stay and is encouraged to host or help after they are alumnus.
•Outside of work for Derita Design, the resident is encouraged to pursue independent study as well as maintain outside employment if they so choose.
•Honorariums and Stipends depend on grants and funds available, otherwise a monthly fee of $1000 will be assessed for use of the spaces.
•Residencies are staggered so that each resident will spend 3 months in proximity with one resident and 3 months with another. This will expose each resident to 2 rich skillsets/mindsets different to their own.
Applications will open in the Spring
for the Summer/Fall Term
Fill Out the Contact Form for any questions