Derita is Cool Mural!
Design not Final
We won the CLT Urban Design Placemaking Grant for 2023! Thank you to all who submitted their signature of support at the community meeting that helped push us over the line on this effort! The mission of Derita Design is to make Derita a Design Destination and this mural will be a big catalyst for this!
Thank You to Zippy Ice, Derita News, CLT Urban Design for inspiring and pressing GO on this community building project!
We are hoping this mural will be completed in the fall of this year. It will be painted on the big white Zippy Ice cold storage building on Graham St. across from Food Lion.
And we cannot do it without your help. In the coming weeks we will be announcing a community kickoff event where we will make our snowflakes to add to the mural. Stay tuned for details!
If you know any artists in the Derita Community that would like to help with the design or execution of this project, please email with interest.