January Recap


I Have a Dream-House

Kicking off the 2023 Workshop Season, we held the annual I Have a Dream-House workshop over MLK weekend. It is an intense intro to architectural design and modeling. We had participants from Greensboro, Asheville and Charlotte come by and create their Dream House.

Before you build the house, you have to build the foundation. In this case the "foundation" was the hopes and dreams you wish to see in your life in your dream house.

Field Trip!

Using the property on the corner of Gibbon Rd and Derita Ave, we took a site visit and sketched out the sun path, possible public and private spaces, and areas of quiet and noise. It was a relatively flat site with a couple dominating trees. I created a site model for the houses nest in when the houses were complete.

After the trek down Gibbon Rd, we got back in the studio where the heat was blowing, snacks were flowing and music was going. We started to lay out spacial plans using generic blocks for the different rooms in the house. Each architect had a different area of study. Whether it be spatial arrangement, material qualities, light study or public private quesitons.

It is enlightening learning from the fledgling architects by the questions they ask and how to help them build their house. Being in the field everyday you kind of assume certain things are shared knowledge and you also find yourself with some blindspots!

After 4 hours, the houses were glued together and final paint was applied. The residence was ready for its close-up!

I want to thank all who joined or expressed interest in joining. Derita Design seeks to be a place of unabashed learning and growth, where the issues of the day melt away and it is all about Design. This workshop was successful in that and we hope you are able to join us for an upcoming one.

The next workshop will be about learning to use a CNC Router to make a small box. Stay tuned for more details. Sign Up here.

Open Studio

As with the workshops, Derita Design seeks to open the studio up to our neighbors in Derita on a monthly basis. This sunny Saturday we talked and workshopped ideas in a relaxed setting. Neighbors previewed the Derita Bench (still pending final approval) and learned about the plastic collecting project. They also witnessed the work being done around the studio in preparation for Residency/Residency. We had architects, industrial desingers, athletes, woodworkers, students, animators and more come by and share ideas.

The 3 Hour event was vibed out with a firepit going and Mexican band Little Jesus over the speakers. We aim to create maybe not a 3rd place, but a safe place to relax and learn to begin your weekend in Derita. Please come join us in the next one.

Derita Bench Update:

We had our community reveal party before Christmas at Derita Presbysterian Church. Much of the community was there to test the becnh out that is going to rest across the street from the church. Before that can happen though, the NCDOT, which owns Sugar Creek Rd, has to sign off on the design of the bench. I had to resubmit the drawings with additional informaiton about the anchoring to the concrete sidewalk.

After that, hopefully we will get an install date and will have a mini-celebraiton/photo-op with the bench.

Again, thank you all who have supported the cause and we will continue to accept your plastic bags to turn into all kinds of things.

Design Around Us:

Derita is a neighborhood built on a farm, small town feel. The built environment does not change quickly like South End or NoDa. But we believe Design can not only be learned by the new, but also what exists already; the form givers of this unique neighborhood.

Before Derita Design existed, there was a top Neighbor in the Derita Community named Bernie Sammonds. He was a trained journalist who spear-headed the Derita Stateville Rd Community Organization for years. He was an avid cheerleader for the community and a great friend to many. He published a local paper called the Derita Reporter, had a blog on the History of Derita and other postings throughout the internet about our community. Sadly he passed away unexpectedly in 2012. Theresa McDonald carries on as the head of the DSRCO and is our champion cheerleader for the area.

This piece of the digest will not account for all the happenings around Derita, but will certianly update those interested in the History of this neighborhood when it comes to design and when there are any additions and subtractions to our environment. I will be pulling heavily on the works of Theresa McDonald, Bernie Samonds and Eddie Conley in getting my information correct.

Here are links to their respective works:

Bernie Samonds - Derita Historical Archive

Theresa McDonald - Derita News

Eddie Conley - June Bug on a String


February 2nd 9am - Derita News Zoom Meeting

February 4th 10am - Private Sewing Workshop

Febbruary 18th 12pm-4pm - Workshop : Love to CNC - $11

February 25th 11am-2pm - Open Studio


February Recap


Welcome 2023